Had a great breakfast at the Hotel Excelsior. Tried to speak to an old gent, but I think his response was that he was Swedish, or that he spoke only 'Schaebish' which I believe is the Bavarian dialect.
Saw a woman by herself, asked if she would speak to me and she did. She was on her way to Austria to walk in the mountains. As usual, with people I have approached she was friendly.
On the Munich tour bus, I took the top deck...no roof, exposed to the sun so I wasn't going to stay there long.
A beautiful day after the downpour last night. Sunny and mild, blue/grey sky. Not many people about, as it is the weekend, and it is German law that commercial businesses (other than cafes, restaurants, etc) stay closed on weekends. Also a law in Munich for the past 8 yrs is that no commercial building can be higher than seven storeys high, so that the view of the beautiful old churches can not be blocked. And, of course, Munich's name is derived from the initial founders, a bunch of monks...Muenchen means 'monks', and a symbolic monk still appears on the Munich crest or coat of arms.
I have been getting plenty of compliments on my German here. "Langsam, aber sehr gut" (slow but very good) responded the friendly waiter in the hotel at breakfast, when I asked. And, separately, "Your German is very good" said the adorable Bayerische girl at reception. I bet they say that to all the people who try to stammer a flow of words in the local tongue!
On the hop on, hop off bus, I got off at the famous Marienplatz. It has beautiful gardens and architecture. Sun, church bells, bikes,huge historic edifices, rose gardens and hedges and beer (in a HUGE glass!) Ich moechte ein anderes trinken!
In this Marienplatz Bier/Kaffee Garten they have an orchestra every May for a month playing both old and new favourites.
No doubt, on an organised bus tour of the city, you see only the best...I don't mind!
I tried to speak to the people at the next table - a couple in their 30s, perhaps. But, like me, they were 'Auslaender' and only in Germany for the weekend, having come from France. So we spoke in English for a while until I returned to my table, and despite the influence of the beer, managed to order a 'spaghetti primavera und Kaffee'. I think I could have stayed there all day
but decided I would rejoin the tour...eventually!
I think the Marienplatz must be what God does for his holidays!
While still sitting, enjoying the Sonne und Bier, a woman's voice could be heard...both operatic and lilting. I never thought I'd use those two words together (especially after the enormous beers ... I couldn't really remember what the word 'lilting' meant!
The trees still stand, the sun shines, the spaghetti compares poorly to Villawood creations, but I'm not complaining. I could have died right at this point...though not wishing it upon myself...and have been happy.
I have ordered another coffee and take my midday tablet, for somethings must remain constant, wherever you are, whatever state of bliss you have achieved on the road to Nirvana.
Back on the bus...to city or castle? Ich weiss nicht! Und sorge mich daran auch nilcht!
Maximilllianstrasse is where all the big names perform in Munich. The bus commentator kept repeating Michael Jackson's name as if he were the only one big star to perform there ... maybe he is/was, but doubt it.
Asked someone if I could speak with them, but was politely refused. Sunny, not hot, but best to stay in the shade. Walked from Maximillianstrassse until I felt lost. Sat down at another cafe to consult my maps, and have just water ... more expensive than coffee, I later found. Did some walking around the streets, I think I was in the artistic area of Munich, or perhaps it is like that all over. Waited for my bus, and started speaking to some Brazilians...I used my severely hobbled Spanish, and despite the fact that they speak Portugese, they understood me. By the time I got off the bus, I had done the circuit twice, and still not seen the castle that had been promised, I left the bus but not before complimenting the commentator. She was clear, interesting in informative in two languages deutsch und englisch, and had the timbre of Li Li Chin! I complimented her on her magnificent delivery. Everyone else clapped her at the end of the ride. She took it in her stride.
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